Over the past 30 plus years my wife and I have built a number of new custom homes, cabins and outbuildings and our retirement home on Kootenay Lake is the “House that Fred Built”. As you will see from the photographs, this was not an easy spot to build on and the structure presented many challenges to Fred and his crew. Most of the work was not “run of the mill” but rather “use your intelligence and ingenuity to accomplish the task”. Fred has the uncanny ability to understand complex architectural drawings and also to present questions if the design is not functional, plus be willing to most always offer a more workable solution to design problems which occur more frequently than we thought possible. Fred works right along with his crew and when Fred says he and his crew will work from 7 to 5, that’s exactly what happens, and there are no 45 minute coffee breaks. When Fred and his crew are on the job they are really “on the job”. I was in contact most days with either our Construction Manager or was on site myself and when it came time to pay Fred’s invoice I had no problem cutting a cheque, on the spot, as it was always fair and reasonable. The workmanship was incredible and the interior finishing was outstanding beyond what you would ever expect and so when Fred asked if we would consider sending a testimonial and some pictures we were delighted to accommodate his request.
Well done Fred (and Colleen) and Thank you from both of us.
Frank and Shirley Guidolin